The Story

BRND & Co. is a fashion house that cares about the environment. They create beautiful clothes using ethical methods on soft, sustainable organic cotton. All designs are hand-drawn by their artists. By keeping production local, they reduce emissions and support the community. BRND & Co. also support local and global community projects, from a football team in Uganda to donating to various charities around the world and close to home in the UK.

Together we can make a Better World.

A Message from Our Founder

BRND & Co. envisions a world where positive change is made possible. We aim for a sustainable future, where our actions leave a lasting impact for future generations. This goal requires not only our effort as BRND & Co., but also the collective conscious choices of individuals like yourself. Every item we deliver to you, using eco-friendly methods, sets off a chain reaction. It supports suppliers who, in turn, aid their local communities and protect the environment. Additionally, our donations to local and global charities further contribute to our mission of education, wildlife conservation, and various other initiatives.

Join our path and become a part of our legacy…

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